The physique of a woman's' body is beautiful, in fact I love to show my body off every chance I get. However, that doesn't mean I walk around half NAKED all the time. I enjoy the mystery of revealing "just a lil' bit", to keep people in awe, or to make people say "how is she doing that?". It's twice as much fun as just "giving it all away at once, and it isn't tacky. I'm writing this today because last night I saw a girl dressed in the shortest and tightest dress imaginable and it was about 27 DEGREES last night, and I'm pretty sure she wasn't coming from or going to a party at 6pm. Long story short, she was wearing a tacky LBD with no stockings, pink and black striped spandex legwarmers that stopped before her ankles, ashy pink ankle shoes with, PINK cheap patent leather moccasins, and to top it all off she had on a huge North Face ski jacket. [at least she had some kind of sense]. Now here's the funny part, everyone in the terminal is starring at her, including myself. She turns to her entourage dressed in full winter wear, and says " I don't know why everyone keeps staring at me" with the sharpest of attitudes. Apparently she thought she was the sexiest thing on 2 legs at the time, but every one's looking at you honey because you forgot your clothes at home its 20- something degrees out here! I had a laugh at her. Well the point is, girls, you don't have to be naked to look attractive, being sexy is innate, and most of the time when you try to hard to dress sexy, you end up looking ridiculous. Just play it cool, and always dress smart.
- XO, Renee
- XO, Renee
tru that, poor girl..lol
I totally agree...
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