Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kickin' It:Nike WMNS Skinny Dunk

I am a girl who loves her share of high heeled pumps, but there's a time when I have to come down from my high, and when ballet flats just aren't cutting it for my comfort level, it's time to throw on my kicks.

I haven't bought a pair of sneakers in a long time because there's a certain "look" my sneakers must possess. I'm still a fashionista so I won't be running around in trainers that everyone else is sporting, they must have some sort of stylish essence that makes them "Renee's sneakers".

While browsing my blog roll earlier I came across these fantastic Nike Dunks on Nitrolicious. They are women's "Skinny Dunks". They have all the same appeal as men's dunks, just cut slimmer for her. PERFECTION. Dubbed Feathers and Butterflies, they should be released for spring 2009, I can't wait b/c I want both. Want more on the story? check it out here http://www.nitrolicious.com/blog/2008/12/02/nike-wmns-skinny-dunk-feathers-butterflies/#more-14971

Photo Via Nitrolicious.com/blog
Ladies, do you still wear sneakers? or did you leave it behind with your high school days?

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